Imperfect or Ballsy?

Reader, which would you choose?

I have to start with a huge thank you! Within an hour of last week's email drop, I was rifling through the top drawer of my vanity, and my Aunt Dorothy's ring dropped into the palm of my hand. 🤯💖 I was joyful and immediately felt this resulted from all the good energy you sent me.

Finding this ring at that moment seemed like a fortuitous sign, leading to the story I'm sharing today.

One big decision I made at the end of last year was to put my creative energies in 2025 into launching a podcast instead of writing a new book.

I had hosted "The Monday Minute" live broadcast for over two years, and it felt like time for a change.

After the final episode on the first Monday in December, I gave myself the rest of the month off to work on the new concept.

As the month flew by, I had many days when my creative spark was elusive—grief is funny that way—and I gave myself grace, knowing that I wouldn't launch the new year with an immediate replacement for "The Monday Minute" show.

During the first week of January, I traveled to Florida with my friend to help her with moving preparations. The change of venue turned out to be the creative boost I needed.

I finalized the name for the new show, wrote the creative brief, explored platform options, and mocked up the cover art.

But as much progress as I had made, it still felt like I had so many details to nail down before I could launch:

  • Hire my incredibly talented friend, Coral Abood of Willow Tree Imaging, to do a professional shot for the cover art
  • Develop the show intro and outro
  • Determine the schedule
  • Write the guest pitch
  • Prepare the show assets for guests
  • Plan the detailed episode flow

But last Monday morning, when I found the Aunt Dorothy ring, I abandoned my internal story of everything I needed to get in order before I could invite guests and plan the first show.

I embraced this empowering thought instead—perfection is the enemy of progress—and took these actions instead:

  • I put my phone on the tripod and took a picture of myself for the cover art, which features this wonderfully sentimental ring.
  • I finalized the cover art.
  • I messaged several of my favorite LinkedIn colleagues, introducing them to the show and inviting them to be a guest.

Before I got all of the invitations sent, my inbox filled with enthusiastic, affirming replies.

Here's the progress I made:

  • 30 guests invited representing 3 continents and 5 countries
  • 80% of participants confirmed
  • 30% guest pre-meetings scheduled
  • 4 episodes calendared
  • first live event scheduled
  • project announcement released
  • first episode marketing video prepped

Reader, I want you to understand that none of this was on the plan for the week. I stopped planning and just started doing.

I started devoting less mental energy to perfecting this and redirected that energy to performing the task at hand to the best of my ability.

I stopped listening to my internal story about being judged as underprepared and amateurish, and trusted my wiser self, who believes that the people around me are more invested in my success than in tearing me down and learning as I go is okay.

It turns out that ignoring the unreliable narrator in my head was the right call [which ironically is the focus of the show].

During the preparation conversations, I was blown away by the enthusiasm for this project, their belief in the value we will create together, and the genuine feedback I received about my positive impact on them and others.

So dear Reader, here's what I invite you to take with you into this new week.

Where in your life are you holding back because you are listening to that internal voice that says, "It isn't enough, or good enough yet."

What would happen if you chose imperfect?

I received this energizing boost that I didn't realize I was lacking until I started talking about the project and receiving so many words of affirmation and excitement.

I didn't fully realize until this week that perfection is the enemy of progress AND a succubus, draining passion and energy.

Saying yes to figuring it out on the fly was both freeing and inspiring. I wish the same for you.

Cheers! And scroll down for details about this week's premiere of "The Story I'm Telling Myself." I'd love to see you there.

🥰Join me for the PREMIERE - What's Enough? 🥰

Thursday, January 30th @ 1 PM (ET)

Live stream available through LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube

The Story I’m Telling Myself is for anyone who wants to overcome the limitations of self-doubt and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Through candid conversations, you'll discover:

  • The hidden costs of listening to your inner critic: How fear and doubt sabotage your confidence, happiness, and success.
  • Transformational strategies for silencing the negative voice: Learn how to overcome self-doubt, embrace vulnerability, and step into your true potential.
  • The power of a mindset shift: Discover how changing your internal dialogue can lead to extraordinary results.

Real-life stories of courage and resilience: Gain inspiration from everyday people who overcame their negative self-talk to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

PS - please share this with a friend

Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.

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