Reader, let's dispel a huge lie This week's #ShowUpPositive Spark is ENOUGH.. Early in my career, every publicly traded company I worked for eventually hired one of the big management consulting firms to help them figure out how to increase productivity and profit. At first, it was a helpful exercise. Tightening up processes, automating, and leveraging people in better ways were the right decisions. Unfortunately, the hamster wheel chasing more and more and more never eased. Workers became cycnical and stressed as people were pushed to take on additional tasks, expanding their responsibilities in ways that felt like taking on an extra position at no extra pay. Resources were reduced and frustrations mounted as people were expected to do more with less. Unfortunately, the chase for more leached into societal norms. It wasn't enough to be a runner, you needed to be a marathoner. It wasn't enough to make your home cozy, you needed to decorate it in a way worthy of Architectural Digest. And to pay for all that consumption you needed to add a side-hustle bringing in thousands more each month, proving you to be a business badass. The pursuit of more and better, aka The Grind, was everywhere and it resulted in record levels of burnout. Our capitalism culture is addicted to the drum beat of more. But more is not the only option. Not having more doesn't mean you have less or are less. The opposite of more isn't less it is ENOUGH. Reader, you are allowed to decide what is ENOUGH and be satisfied. You are allowed to step of the hamster wheel. You don't have to pursue more. Comparison is the thief of joy because you look outside of yourself instead of trusting your own heart and mind. Reader, I'm telling you to know yourself, listen to yourself, and trust that your ENOUGH is right regardless of what anyone else chooses to do. The story someone else has about how your life needs to be is their story not yours. You are allowed to reject it. And if you need some help uncovering your deepest knowing and trusting your truth, I encourage you to chat with me about my new program for 2025 - I'm Enough. Here's a sample guided conversation from the program to get your started (and hopefully whet your appetite). I encourage you to journal and take your time in contemplation to see what comes to light.
Reader I want you to know that you are not alone in struggling to trust yourself enough to elevate your knowing above the noise of others. Cultivating a relationship with your own internal wisdom is counter to today's social media powered world. But trust me when I tell you that those external voices will never stop pushing you to pursue more and more. Only you have the power to decide what is enough in your life. Knowing your enough and relishing in it is your path to sustained happiness and wellbeing. 🥰 Reader, accelerate success🥰 |
My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.
Reader, it may be cold outside, but it's cozy in here. Thanks for welcoming me back. The end of last year brought several fabulous new clients. As their thought partner and trusted advisor, I prioritize understanding them and finding the most relatable ways to convey ideas. This frequently occurs as in-the-moment inspiration. Occasionally,, it seeds an idea in my head that has lasting power. This one is taking up a lot of real estate as a transformative frame, and I'd like to test-drive it...
Reader, are you feeling bombarded? I've never been big on New Year's resolutions, but in the past few years, I've found this tradition especially cringe. Part of this response is having enough decades on the earth to know that I have never once followed through on my previous New Year's resolutions in a sustained way. The other part is the proliferation of marketing messages exploiting this tradition to reinforce messages of scarcity and insufficiency. Who needs more of that sh!t in your...
Reader, if you need someone to give your permission to prioritize you, read this This week's #ShowUpPositive Spark is GIVING, starting with you. It's Thanksgiving week in the US, so I've seen many articles about giving. However, I noticed that they are all focused externally. But you and I know, Reader, that in order to give to others, your own cup can't be empty. That is why you need to prioritize yourself this week. I have a few ideas to encourage and inspire you. Get outside and clear your...